MJC is a manufacturer for HVAC products - we have Air rotation, self contained units, custom equipment, modifications, and coatings

MJC, Inc. has manufactured Air Rotation Units (ARUs), for over 20 years and continues to lead the market in Air Rotation products.


The concept of Air Rotation, and the specific equipment used to create the unique air flow pattern to provide more uniform environments, has been around the HVAC industry for more than 65 years in warehousing and manufacturing. Although the product was used for primarily heating large open spaces throughout the early part of its conception, Air Rotation has evolved into a product that can do much more. Air Rotation Units have become the standard for heating and cooling large open spaces.


Air Rotation Units are now used for controlling environments to meet product and process applications, government regulation, OHSHA standard, and for employee retention / comfort.

Air Rotation Units are used to help control humidity and can also be used to reduce a company’s carbon foot print. All these things make Air Rotation a product that can solve many concerns that warehousing and manufacturing face.

The MJC Approach

Our Air Rotation Units lead the market in product features. Our goal is to provide a product that improve energy efficiency and allows people to feel a difference inside their building.

1. Enhance the comfort and indoor air quality of large open spaces
2. Decarbonation capabilities with electric heating and VRF technology
3. Eliminate cost by removing RTUs. No ductwork – curbs – structural roof support
4. Factory mounted controls to optimize efficiency


  • Warehouses & Distribution Centers
  • Manufacturing
  • Aircraft Hangars
  • Food, Candy, Beverage & Alcohol Storage Facilities
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Indoor Sports Arenas

Benefits of using MJC, Inc. Air Rotation Units

  • Reduced Construction Cost
  • Reduced energy bills
  • Reduced the amount of equipment needed
  • No roof penetrations
  • No additional structural steel roof support
  • No weight on your existing roof
  • Increased performance and space comfort
  • No Duct work required
  • Portability if relocating, take the unit with you.

How MJC, Inc. can work with your company and save energy costs

  • Contact your local supplier to schedule a site survey to determine equipment location, count and size.
  • MJC will provide engineering calculations based on the building volume and geographic location.
  • MJC will provide estimated energy savings using ARUs.
MJC is a manufacturer for HVAC products - we have Air rotation, self contained units, custom equipment, modifications, and coatings